5 Tips For Boarding Your Pet With As Little Stress As Possible


If you know that there will be times when you will need to board your cat or dog, then you want to follow at least some of the great tips here. They will walk you through different steps you can take to make it easier for everyone involved. Here are five tips for boarding your pet with as little stress as possible: 1: Board them while they are young If you know that you are going to be needing to board your cat or dog in the future, but it will be a while, then you may want to board them for a day or so here and there while they are young.

8 November 2017

What To Expect From Your Pet's First Exam With A New Veterinarian


If you've recently found a new veterinarian, there's a good chance that your first visit to the vet clinic will be for your pet's annual wellness examination. Regular wellness exams are highly recommended for staying up to date on any changes in your pet's health, as well as making sure your pet has all needed vaccinations and immunizations. Not sure what to expect from your pet's first exam? While all veterinary offices are different, most follow a general timeline for wellness exams.

1 February 2017

Starting Up Your Own Small Veterinarian Practice? 3 Tips To Help You Get Started


If you just graduated from college and ready to start up your own small veterinarian practice, you likely are excited to start treating animals as soon as you can. If so, below are some tips to help you get started so you can soon open your doors to your four-legged patients. Licensing You cannot simply purchase a building and start practicing, but have to first obtain your veterinary licensing. Most states have veterinary licensing boards that will you to verify that you have graduated from college and have an accredited degree.

30 January 2017

Catch Me If You Can: What's The Best Way To Medicate Your Kitty?


Even if you didn't own a cat, you would probably know that cats are difficult to medicate. It is certainly not a pleasant task. No matter how much your cat loves you, he is not going to be excited to take medication. Plus, once your cat catches on to your game, it's toast. Cats aren't dummies, and they will become suspicious of you. Fortunately, there are still some ways you can trick your cat into taking medication prescribed by the veterinarian.

27 January 2017

Has Your Aging Dog Developed Prostatitis? 4 Steps To Relieve The Discomfort


You might not realize this but prostate problems don't only affect human males. Male dogs can develop prostate problems too, especially as they age.  As your dog ages, the prostate becomes enlarged. When that happens, it can put pressure on the bowels and urethra, which will interfere with your dog's ability to have pass bowel movements, or urinate properly. If the condition is left untreated, prostatitis – infection of the prostate – can develop.

26 January 2017

Leashes, Vaccinations, And Microchips: What You Need To Know About Adopting A Rescue Dog


Many people love the idea of adopting a rescue dog. It's a great way to get a new pet and help a less fortunate animal that might otherwise be put down. That said, if you have never adopted a rescue pet, you will need to plan out a few things. You don't just walk in, pick out your dog, and head home to relax. You need to be a responsible pet owner and make sure that you are not being lax with it comes to vaccinations or other issues that will keep your dog safe and healthy.

10 January 2017

Signs Your Pet May Need Medical Attention


As a pet owner, you know that pets are creatures of habit. But when those habits change, it's not necessarily a natural progression of age. Here are some signs that your pet needs medical attention. Incessant Grooming Pets like cats and dogs are pretty good at grooming themselves. Except for the occasional necessary doggy bath, these domesticated pets keep themselves clean by licking. However, licking is also a self-soothing technique that pets use when they are in pain.

9 January 2017

Valentine's Day And Your Pets: Show Them You Care With These Safety Tips


Valentine's Day is just around the corner, and it's the time of year when you show those that you love most how much you truly care for them. As you are showing your significant other your feelings, it is important that you don't neglect your feelings for your pets or your loved one's pets. Here are a few tips to ensure that pets are kept safe over the Valentine's Day holiday:

4 January 2017

Cutting To The Quick: Nail Care For Your Cat


If your cat has ever accidentally scratched you when jumping into your lap, you know the benefits of keeping your cat's nails trimmed. Trimming your cat's nails also benefits your cat. Cats that go without proper nail trimming risk nail overgrowth. Nail overgrowth can make your cat's nails grow back into their paws, causing immense pain and injury. Trimming your cat's nails isn't difficult and can keep your cat healthy.

4 January 2017