Has Your Aging Dog Developed Prostatitis? 4 Steps To Relieve The Discomfort


You might not realize this but prostate problems don't only affect human males. Male dogs can develop prostate problems too, especially as they age.  As your dog ages, the prostate becomes enlarged. When that happens, it can put pressure on the bowels and urethra, which will interfere with your dog's ability to have pass bowel movements, or urinate properly. If the condition is left untreated, prostatitis – infection of the prostate – can develop. If your dog has been diagnosed with prostatitis, here are four steps you can take to alleviate its discomfort.

Give It Extra Bathroom Breaks

As the prostate presses down on your dog's bladder and bowels, it may have an increased urge to use the bathroom. Unfortunately, prostatitis can make it difficult for your dog to relieve itself. You might notice that your dog only dribbles a small amount of urine each time it goes outside, or only passes a small amount of feces. To help your dog relieve itself completely, you'll need to give it extra bathroom breaks. Taking your dog outside more often will allow it to completely empty its bowels and bladder throughout the day.

Let It Rest

Prostatitis can be extremely uncomfortable for your dog. The increased discomfort can leave your dog in a weakened state. While your dog is suffering from prostatitis, allow it to take additional naps during the day. Place its bed in a quiet area of the house so that it can rest without interruption. If your dog is having trouble walking through the house, consider setting up beds in several rooms. This will ensure that your dog has a comfortable place to rest throughout the house.

Give it Plenty of Water

If your dog is unable to pass urine, it may develop a urinary tract infection. To prevent this type of infection, and to help your dog flush out its kidneys and bladder, increase your dog's water intake while it's suffering from prostatitis. Keep a fresh bowl of water out for your dog at all times while it's being treated for prostatitis.

Talk to the Vet About Pain Medication

If your dog is experiencing pain associated with prostatitis, you should talk to your veterinarian about pain medication. This is particularly true if pain is interfering with your dog's ability to eat or sleep.

If your dog has been diagnosed with prostatitis, be sure to follow the treatment plan prescribed by your veterinarian. In addition, use the simple tips provided above to help keep your dog comfortable. 


26 January 2017

Veterinary Care for Small Animals

Do you own a small animal like a mouse, hamster or even a lizard? Did you know that even these tiny creatures can benefit from veterinary care? My name is Emma, and I own a number of small pets. I have found out through my experiences that veterinary care can give my little pets a longer, healthier life. This blog will cover what a small animal needs from regular medical care as well as special situations that require emergency veterinary intervention. Tiny pets deserve a healthy life, too. Learn how to do all your can for the littlest animals in your care.