When Your Dog Is Sick: Dog Flu And You


The thought of a sickness spreading throughout the dog population can be troubling for pet owners, and anyone who's experienced the human form of the flu bug knows just how miserable it can make your feel. Fear of the dog flu has many dog owners keeping their pooches at home, away from potential sources of infection. Before you give your dog cabin fever, read on and be informed about this canine disorder:

30 December 2016

3 Tips To Help Keep Your Pets Safe And Healthy This Winter


The first day of winter has finally arrived, and the winter chill is definitely here. While some people look forward to the colder weather because it means fun-filled adventures like skiing, snowboarding, and sledding, others look to this time of year as a nuisance due to the large piles and of snow and bone-chilling temperatures. Regardless of your views, winter means that your pet needs some extra TLC. Here are three things that you need to keep in mind as a pet owner this winter:

29 December 2016

3 Ways You Can Help Keep Your Dog Healthy This Year


As 2017 starts, don't forget to make some New Year's Resolutions concerning your dog. Here are three ways you can help ensure that your dog stays healthy and fit this year. #1 Make Your Pet Your Exercise Buddy Pets, just like people, need to exercise. If your dog hangs out inside all day, and then just lounges around with you watching Netflix when you get home, your dog is not getting the exercise needed to stay healthy.

29 December 2016

Natural Tick Control Methods: What Every Pet Parent Must Know


After a long winter, most dogs and their owners eagerly look forward to milder weather and lots of outdoor time. Unfortunately, ticks capable of transmitting diseases to your pet, such as Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, and others, are also looking forward to spring and the opportunity to latch onto your pet for a tasty meal. If you would like to avoid using harsh chemicals for tick control but still want to still make sure they are protected from being bitten, the following natural tick control methods can help.

29 December 2016

Nursing The Knee: What You Need To Know About Your Dog's Recovery After A Cruciate Ligament Repair


If your dog is scheduled for surgery to repair a torn anterior cruciate ligament, postoperative rest and rehabilitation are the key elements to ensuring a complete recovery. When your pet is discharged from the hospital, you will be provided with specific instructions for his care. Be prepared by familiarizing yourself with some of the general recommendations that will be expected from you and your furry patient so that you know what to expect and can plan accordingly.

28 December 2016

What You Should Know If You Plan To Get A Cat


If you are going to be bringing a cat home, then you want to make sure you educate yourself on some of the things you should know in order to be a responsible cat owner who ends up with a healthy and happy cat. While some people think owning a cat is as easy as throwing down a bowl of food and water once a day, there is actually much more you should educate yourself on in order to become a good cat owner.

28 December 2016

The Trouble With Dachshunds And Cataracts


The always popular dachshund tends to suffer from a variety of health problems, the most prominent of which is often cataracts. This difficult eye problem must be treated by a veterinarian as soon as possible to restore their sight to perfection. Dachshunds Are At A High Risk Of Cataracts Dachshund's unfortunately do have a predisposition for suffering from cataracts. Part of this is due to their high risk of developing diabetes, a condition that contributes to the development of cataracts.

22 December 2016

Simple Solutions to Manage Your Dog's Arthritis


Caring for your dog may seem like a simple process. You may feed them quality food, ensure they get sufficient exercise, and bring them to their vet periodically for checkups and vaccinations. Unfortunately, your dog may develop certain conditions even with proper care. Considering one out of every five adult dogs develop arthritis, your dog may deal with the stiffness, immobility, and pain associated with this joint condition. Using one or more of these solutions, you can decrease arthritic inflammation and pain while improving your dog's quality of life.

21 December 2016

3 Tips to Keep Your Cat Safe and Warm During the Winter


If you just got a cat, there are a few special precautions that you need to take to make sure your cat is safe during the winter time. Here are three tips that will help keep your cat healthy during the wintertime. #1 Set Up a Warm Sleeping Place Inside The first thing you should do is make sure that your cat has a warm place to sleep inside of your house.

20 December 2016

Three Flea Prevention Tips For Pet Owners


Fleas can be one of the more common problems that pets will encounter. Unfortunately, pet owners often do not have much experience combating these pests. Luckily, new pet owners may be able to gain an advantage in combating fleas by using these simple but effective preventative steps. Keep Your Pet Clean And Use Monthly Flea Treatments Making sure that you are regularly cleaning your pet can be a great way to reduce the prevalence of fleas as this will remove many of the eggs before they are able to hatch.

16 December 2016