When Your Dog Is Sick: Dog Flu And You


The thought of a sickness spreading throughout the dog population can be troubling for pet owners, and anyone who's experienced the human form of the flu bug knows just how miserable it can make your feel. Fear of the dog flu has many dog owners keeping their pooches at home, away from potential sources of infection. Before you give your dog cabin fever, read on and be informed about this canine disorder:

What is meant by dog flu?

The exact medical term for this canine influenza is the H3N8, and it is not a newly discovered disease. In fact, this flu has previously been observed in horses, and for most of its history it was confined to the equine population. While the ability for this flu to "jump species" from horse to dog can be quite alarming, there is no reason to believe that humans can come down with this version of the flu and only horses and dogs are at risk at this time.

Symptoms of H3N8

Just as with most flu viruses, this bug affects the upper respiratory track of dogs and causes surprisingly similar symptoms to the human version. Your dog may be afflicted with the classic flu signs of runny eyes and nose, lack of energy and appetite, and fever. You should know that not all dogs will show all of these signs, so if your pup is not himself, let the veterinarian make an evaluation. The main danger of this dog flu is the possibility of it turning into Pneumonia. In most cases, dogs are affected by the dog flu for a few weeks and fully recover without issue, but for young puppies, older dogs and dogs that are already suffering from other conditions, this disease could be more serious. If a secondary infection is found, your veterinarian will prescribe an antibiotic.

Keeping your dog healthy

Just as with the human form of the disease, the dog flu is spread through droplets in the air and from objects that have come in contact with an infected animal. That means not allowing your dog to come into contact with bedding and toys that another dog has used. When walking your dog or going to the dog park, keep your pet out of "sniffing" range with other dogs to prevent the bug from jumping over. Your veterinarian may suggest a dog flu vaccine, which can lessen the severity of the condition, but not prevent it entirely.

Contact your veterinarian for more information about the dog flu.


30 December 2016

Veterinary Care for Small Animals

Do you own a small animal like a mouse, hamster or even a lizard? Did you know that even these tiny creatures can benefit from veterinary care? My name is Emma, and I own a number of small pets. I have found out through my experiences that veterinary care can give my little pets a longer, healthier life. This blog will cover what a small animal needs from regular medical care as well as special situations that require emergency veterinary intervention. Tiny pets deserve a healthy life, too. Learn how to do all your can for the littlest animals in your care.