Leashes, Vaccinations, And Microchips: What You Need To Know About Adopting A Rescue Dog


Many people love the idea of adopting a rescue dog. It's a great way to get a new pet and help a less fortunate animal that might otherwise be put down. That said, if you have never adopted a rescue pet, you will need to plan out a few things. You don't just walk in, pick out your dog, and head home to relax. You need to be a responsible pet owner and make sure that you are not being lax with it comes to vaccinations or other issues that will keep your dog safe and healthy. Here are three important areas to keep in mind.


It is very likely that the shelter you are adopting your rescue dog from has already given them rabies shots. However, if you are adopting a very young puppy, then you are going to have to schedule a vet visit since many young dogs are not given rabies vaccines until they are a bit older. You also need to get a distemper vaccination combo, as well as a vaccination for parvovirus. You might also consult with your vet and determine if your dog needs to be vaccinated against bordetella.


You might like the idea of walking your dog without a leash, letting them run free and wild, but that's a terrible idea. You need to keep your new dog on a leash. Putting aside local leash laws, your new dog is not trained and is not familiar enough with you yet to be trusted off leash. You run the risk of the dog getting nervous and running off into traffic, or simply running away. Not to mention they might get into a fight with another dog. So it's important to have a leash and collar. If you are concerned that your dog is pulling a lot, and they might choke themselves, you can always get a harness attachment. This can be placed over their chest, and when they pull, it does not put any stress on their neck.


If the shelter has not micro-chipped the dog, then you need to visit a vet and get a chip installed. This can be done when you are visiting the vet and getting the vaccinations. A small chip is placed under the dog's skin so that if it gets lost, and picked up by a shelter or vet, they can run the chip number in an online database and locate you. It's an in-office procedure, so you won't have to worry about making arrangements for your dog to have an extended stay.

For more information about adopting, contact a company like Basking Ridge Animal Hospital.


10 January 2017

Veterinary Care for Small Animals

Do you own a small animal like a mouse, hamster or even a lizard? Did you know that even these tiny creatures can benefit from veterinary care? My name is Emma, and I own a number of small pets. I have found out through my experiences that veterinary care can give my little pets a longer, healthier life. This blog will cover what a small animal needs from regular medical care as well as special situations that require emergency veterinary intervention. Tiny pets deserve a healthy life, too. Learn how to do all your can for the littlest animals in your care.