A Guide To Pregnancy And Birth For The Mature Dog


Whether you have owned your fertile, female dog for many years and have been able to enjoy watching her grow into the senior dog she is today or you have recently adopted an older dog that has not been sterilized, it is important to note that there are some significant risks associated with geriatric dogs and pregnancy. For instance, there is a higher risk of pregnancy loss for geriatric dogs and some older dogs may not be capable of safely undergoing the risks associated with pregnancy. Therefore, if your senior dog is pregnant, you need to speak with her veterinarian as soon as possible to determine an appropriate course of action for the coming weeks and be aware of the details provided below.

The Older Dog And Miscarriage

It is a good idea to remember that even a healthy older dog who has received regular medical care and has a healthy, appropriate diet is still prone to the problems associated with aging. For instance, arthritis, high blood pressure, and obesity are common health challenges for older dogs. Even if she does not suffer from those issues, pregnancy can put an enormous amount of strain on the mature dog and her body may not be able to successfully complete the pregnancy. If she does suffer from one of those problems, her symptoms could exacerbate during pregnancy, and she could be very uncomfortable or in pain throughout much of her pregnancy.

Unfortunately, that challenges of aging and the likelihood of preexisting health problems in an older dog means that geriatric dogs are often more likely to have a miscarriage. If she does manage to complete the pregnancy without significant health problems or fetal loss, it does not mean that your dog is out of the woods. As explained below, the birth process can also be problematic for a mature dog.

The Mature Dog And Giving Birth

If your dog is fortunate enough to complete the pregnancy without significant problems or fetal loss, she will still need to go through labor, with its inherent risks, or a c-section if deemed necessary by the veterinarian.

Older dogs that give birth are also at a higher risk of having one or more of the puppies getting "stuck" in the birth canal. If that were to happen, there is the very real potential of death to the mother, the puppy that is stuck, and any unborn puppies. If that occurs, she may need to have an emergency cesarean section in order to save her life. That will be more expensive for you. She will then need to deal with the obvious risks of surgery and the recuperative time after, while continuing to care for the puppies.

In conclusion, while pregnancy in geriatric dogs occurs, it will often come with significant risk to the gestating dog. If your mature dog is expecting puppies, it is crucial to arrange prompt medical care for her for the duration of her pregnancy and to be aware of the aforementioned information. 

For more information, contact local professionals like After Hours Veterinary Emergency Clinic Inc.


14 December 2016

Veterinary Care for Small Animals

Do you own a small animal like a mouse, hamster or even a lizard? Did you know that even these tiny creatures can benefit from veterinary care? My name is Emma, and I own a number of small pets. I have found out through my experiences that veterinary care can give my little pets a longer, healthier life. This blog will cover what a small animal needs from regular medical care as well as special situations that require emergency veterinary intervention. Tiny pets deserve a healthy life, too. Learn how to do all your can for the littlest animals in your care.