How To Make Going To The Vet Easier For Your Cat


Going to the veterinarian clinic for regular check-ups is a necessity to make sure that your cat stays healthy. However, being in an unfamiliar environment with the smells and sights of other animals can be pretty stressful for a cat. If you're preparing for your next vet visit, follow this guide's tips to reduce the stress your cat experiences.

Familiar Carrier

Most people only use their pet carriers to take their animals out of the home. Since this is usually a stressful experience for cats, it means that just the sight of the cat carrier may be terrifying for your cat.

Instead of only bringing out the cat carrier when you need to go to the vet, try leaving it in your living area for a few days beforehand. Let your cat explore it in their own time and become familiar with it. You can try feeding them inside the cat carrier (with the door open) so that they become comfortable with it. Then, when it's time to take your cat to the vet, they won't end up being frightened before you even leave home.

Offer Your Scent

Another good idea is to take a towel or blanket that smells like you and to put it in the cat carrier before your vet visit. Cats typically like snuggling on clothes and fabric that smell like their owners, so having something they can burrow into that smells like you while you're at the vet's office will make them feel safer.

Pheromone Collars

Pheromone collars are designed to emit a comforting pheromone that's produced by mother cats when they're nursing their kittens. These collars are safe, non-addictive, and can help to soothe a kitty during stressful experiences, like lightning storms or vet visits. However, for best results, you should consider putting one on your cat at least a few days in advance of the vet visit. Giving them some time will let them get used to wearing a collar if they typically don't, and it will also allow the pheromone to start to soothe them before you go to the vet's office.

Cover Carrier

The last tip is a trick that's often used by veterinarians and people who care for colonies of feral cats. Before leaving your home, place a towel or cloth over the pet carrier so that your cat can't see the outside world. When combined with a pheromone collar and the familiar scent of your towel or bed linen, covering the windows and entrance of the carrier will help your cat to focus on what's inside the carrier, rather than outside of it. It will also help to prevent some of the smell of other animals from drifting into the carrier, which can be frightening for a cat.

With these four tips, your cat will be much more comfortable with going to the veterinarian's office. Once you've enacted these tips, taking your cat to the vet will be much easier for both of you, and maintaining your kitty's health will be a breeze.


15 December 2016

Veterinary Care for Small Animals

Do you own a small animal like a mouse, hamster or even a lizard? Did you know that even these tiny creatures can benefit from veterinary care? My name is Emma, and I own a number of small pets. I have found out through my experiences that veterinary care can give my little pets a longer, healthier life. This blog will cover what a small animal needs from regular medical care as well as special situations that require emergency veterinary intervention. Tiny pets deserve a healthy life, too. Learn how to do all your can for the littlest animals in your care.